Sunday, December 8, 2013

This year it

On Budget Day, the Action Agenda Architecture and Spatial Design 2013-2016, appeared with the subtitle: Working on Design Force. It might be silly to derive much meaning to that subtitle, but I assume that this title is not so chosen. Efforts should be made, it should be built up strength. It is altogether a title with high testosterone levels. How does this Action Agenda itself to previous architecture notes? What future does the Action Agenda for the cultural position of architecture?
This year it's 21 years, roughly a generation, since the first National Spatial architecture appeared Architecture. You could say that the drop notes in a frequency of, say, four years after that first note appeared, especially when formulated amendments to the policy. couples. In the report, Building on a Strong Foundation, a review of 21 years of architectural binscorner policy, as annexed to the Action Agenda, the authors Eva Stegmeijer, Robert Kloosterman and Tineke Lupi: The main question is which aims architecture policy in principle, should or would who have not achieved simply by the market. Basically, there are two possible perspectives on the failure of the market and thus the necessary binscorner control of the government. One from the perspective of the product of the architectural design itself, and from the perspective of architectural design as a pastime, more specifically as an economic activity. But directly to make a leap into the present: in this Action Agenda is a clear line in the policy, which runs from the first perspective, architecture as a product of architectural design inhibitory center itself with the cultural significance and quality are paramount to the design as an economic activity, I would say, despite its cultural significance. First, the product itself: The aesthetic quality of the environment largely determines the attractiveness of a place for people, the so-called quality of place. The advantages or disadvantages that other than the construction parties directly involved to deal with in the short or long term gain, fall largely outside the market transaction and are only very partially included in the price. [] In the case of architectural design is all about unintended negative effects, which result binscorner from a lack of quality. (From the report Building on a Strong Foundation). This lack of quality time observed was the main reason for the establishment of the first Architecture Memorandum. Was named as main objective binscorner literally: Creating the conditions for the emergence of architectural quality. Simultaneously, there was talk of bringing together cultural construction task, the note was a collaboration of the Ministries of Culture and of Housing, Spatial Planning. binscorner Building and land and were therefore also seen in public since that time as an act of culture. The authors recognized the danger of a possible loss of autonomous cultural significance of architecture and focused their text and policy therefore largely on the definiren of the cultural binscorner significance of architecture and rigging of a comprehensive and intricate infrastructure with a partially protective and a partially-enhancing feature. It is this infrastructure that fully funds and institutions, which is the largest and most enduring success of that first note and it's subsequent binscorner architectural policy. Precisely therein excelled Netherlands and was distinctive and previewing. How was it then with the second perspective, that of architecture as an economic sector? Architecture branch, as an industry, as creative industries if necessary. Which market failure and in that perspective there? Stegmeijer cs at this point is less pronounced, but compensate amply by indicating the resources that you can use to fix market failures and government: fiscal and subsidy policies by regulatory framework and structural economic policy. Examples are the creren, or support binscorner with essential institutions in the field of education, innovation, knowledge generation binscorner and dissemination, binscorner quality control and export promotion. Or economically more specifically, through the creation of an economic level playing field, allowing small businesses and start-ups get a chance. Also from this perspective, one can say that the first architectural note, in particular by means of the infrastructure, in almost all of these areas has formulated policies and put into force. Think of education: the Berlage Institute, and creren opportunities for starters: Europan and Archiprix. But there was respect both perspectives binscorner have a recognizable hierarchy: the production

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