16.2.2014 Asus tuo MeMO Pad HD 10 -taulutietokoneen Suomeen keväällä
Rome II oli mielestäni sangen muikea peli, mutta ei aivan ongelmaton. Ruudunpäivitysnopeus olisi voinut olla ripeämpi ja bugejakin löytyi. second hand kitchens Mutta eihän tämä nyt ole mitään uutta Total War -pelien kanssa. Onneksi Creative Assembly hoitaa hommaansa ja julkaisee vauhdilla päivityksiä.
Vasta muutaman viikon ikään ehtinyt second hand kitchens Rome II on saamassa jo kolmannen päivityksensä myöhemmin tällä viikolla. second hand kitchens Betatestiin ehtinyt Patch 3 sisältää taas pitkän listan uudistuksia ja korjauksia. Ruudunpäivitysnopeutta nostetaan, moninpeliä tuunataan, tekoälyä parannetaan ja niin edelleen. Yhteensä korjattavaa ja päivitettävää on taas löytynyt monta sivua pitkän listan verran.
Technical and Performance Issues second hand kitchens Significant improvements to multiplayer campaign speed, which is now limited by the slowest players machine. Frame Rate improvements on Campaign map on low spec Core2 Duo cpu s in windowed mode. Fix for lock-ups reported on loading into battle in DirectX9. Frame Rate improvements on Campaign map across all configurations when setting Effects Quality to Low or High. Fix for minor stutters & terrain rendering glitches on some gpu s when rendering the terrain. Fixed a bug in the Graphics Benchmark frame rate display that reported the wrong per-frame time. LAN multiplayer modes are now accessible when Steam is in Offline mode. Fix for graphics crash caused by changing the games screen resolution shortly after loading a new Campaign. Fix for a crash when performing an agent action on a wounded/assassinated second hand kitchens unit in Campaign modes. Further campaign map optimisations. Optimised fire and smoke effects on the campaign map (improving the frames per second on all graphics setting, especially during second hand kitchens the late gameplay where all faction territories are revealed) Fix in Multiplayer Campaign, after Player 1 offers diplomacy to Player 2, Player 2 made a counter offer, then cancelled the offer, which caused the game to lock up for Player 1. Fix to prevent the games user interface from flickering when SLI is enabled. Improved culling on the campaign second hand kitchens map to prevent props (e.g. the pyramids) from disappearing when the camera was set to certain angles. Improved the desktop icon for Total War: ROME II to support multiple resolutions.
Gameplay Improvements When the player is attacked whilst in a minor settlement (not provincial capital), a new ”Sally Forth” button is available second hand kitchens on the pre-battle panel to fight the attackers in an open field battle. All armies that are forced to retreat, and then are attacked, no longer have a *Baggage Train battle. It is a normal open field battle with any campaign generated penalties second hand kitchens applied as before. When an army in forced march is attacked on the Campaign Map, an ambush battle is now triggered, rather than a baggage train Victory Point battle . Combined battles where there is no navy in the defending alliance do not have *Victory second hand kitchens Points/Baggage Trains. Combined battles where the defender second hand kitchens has a navy will retain their Victory Point. Victory Points have had their capture time increased by 3x their previous length. Attacking AI is now more likely to prioritise taking Victory Points in Siege Battles / City Assault Battles. AI controlled Agents are now more likely to act upon the player’s settlements instead of standing around outside of them. Fixed issue in battle AI which prevented siege assault groups from responding to nearby threats. Fixed timing issue in battle AI which could cause the attacking AI in port sieges to stop updating. Substantially reduced free hits from enemies in battles, when moving a unit through enemy units (without attacking them), so units can disengage with less penalty. Smaller and depleted AI controlled forces are now less likely to survive auto-resolved battles in Campaign modes. Cavalry can no longer capture Victory Points in battles second hand kitchens while mounted. They can still neutralise the Victory Points if they were previously in enemy control, and capture second hand kitchens Victory second hand kitchens Points when dismounted. The size / radius of capture points has been increased in Coastal battles. Fix for some instances of passive AI during River Crossing battles, when the AI is defending. Fixed issue which prevented reinforcement artillery ships deploying. Fixed issue in Siege Battles where the AI attempted to use breaches and gates which they could not reach. In Battles, the number of ranks now factor into bracing mass bonus for collision system, i.e. thin lines will make you lose your bracing bonus against cavalry charges from the front Fixed chasing second hand kitchens down of routers at the end of battles, so they engage in combat more often and can be killed more easily. Satrapies can no longer sign peace treaties with the enemies of their overlord (but still able to automatically make peace if their overlord signs a peace treaty with the enemy) in Campaign modes. Snow ground type now replaces grass in snow attrition areas of the battle map.
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