Saturday, August 30, 2014

Following the optimization grey bedroom ideas of space, it is important to think about your cupboar

Today the kitchen is the heart of a home. Therefore, careful planning is required to ensure that the reforms will ensure Barcelona kitchen kitchen beautiful and very functional. Here in Tu7, we are ready to help you by offering you our experience in Interior Design, and, why not, some tips and ideas that might be of use to you.
In the first instance, it is a good idea to consider removing some steps, that is, things that you used at the same time they are together, or at least close to each other. Cereals and bread for breakfast, close to the bowls and use their own table for breakfast. Plastic film and bags near the surface you have to wrap and store food remains, and situated near the refrigerator.
Another great idea is that it has wider aisles. Our experts tell us that the corridors of at least 90 inches wide circulation are necessary for proper and comfortable in the kitchen. In this plan, check the corridors and circulation areas are adequately wide so not obstruct your convenience.
For a kitchen that is suitable for small children, keep the keys to high gas and heating, as well as the drawers where you keep scissors, grey bedroom ideas knives and other dangerous elements. Another great idea for your kitchen is very comfortable for all is make sure the fridge is opened easily and do not obstruct grey bedroom ideas the passage.
Following the optimization grey bedroom ideas of space, it is important to think about your cupboards and storage spaces as efficient as you can. So do not put it on the corners or at least make sure that the doors do not stick to each other if they work at the same time.
If you put a microwave, is it the right height. This may depend on if your kitchen is a family or if you have children at home. For adults, it is convenient grey bedroom ideas to have it about 35 inches above the level of the work surface; however, if your kitchen is designed to have children, place it on a lower is a good idea.
Do not forget the space where you plan to put things at the end of cooking something, remove it from the closet, pantry or remove it from the refrigerator. This space should be comfortable and useful for placing trays, boxes, pots ...
Think having two work surfaces for cooking, one on each side of the stove or hob, so when cooking, do not feel too overwhelmed in terms of space. We also give you the option to allow someone else involved in the preparation of food. This entry was posted in Kitchens and tagged Renovations kitchen renovations, renovations kitchens Add to Bookmark the permalink.
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The same applies to other forms of creation. You take out a melody I had in mind and do public tang

It is time to address an implicit theme in all of my texts so far: whenever I speak of myself at a level that few people would be interested, I think. One can talk about himself to express a point that we all have in common-and those who read it applies to your life and draws something.
This is not easy reading for someone. Asks too much patience, and the end is just as if you were writing to me. But if it were just for me, why publish it on the Internet? I think that is the vulnerability that makes me feel. If I expose myself in a private diary follow quality bath all those ideas floating through my head; but if i open to everyone and expose myself even when I close the computer know, subconsciously, that the ideas are already off my head and this reassures me. Reassures me and makes me feel vulnerable time.
In fact, it does so almost everyone today. We talk about how our day went websites like Facebook or Twitter, Tumblr etc. We choose what movies, music and books we like IMDB, or Goodreads ... Increasingly our private life online. There is much I do not like this: corporations have access to our data, there were even cases of people quality bath arrested by the police for posting certain things on Facebook. People fired, companies t'escruten for your Facebook ... Well, I think we've all heard examples of these cases. But in my opinion this is inherent to the "evils of mankind," the idea is not to be shared online. Be shared on the Internet today, has harmful side-on and end that everybody shares everything-but I see it more as the effect of a social pendulum falls at the other end of which was before. That perhaps speaks in another text ...
So write about myself on the internet quality bath released to me. It is the most narcissistic sense, but rather that outward narcissism comes to stay in my head. Again, this has to do with repetition: I have a thousand things by turns giving me head, and every day I get the same things repeatedly to remove the skull roaring. I've been with these problems in mind and never take off freely, so the mean time after time after time. I feel that as more and more repeat further clarified understand. It's like in my head I could only guess the shade.
And why are messy texts because quality bath if I try to follow a certain order of ideas that would not leave. It would be as if you're a drunk puking vomit only tried the chicken yesterday, keeping up the vomit soup at the end because "it quality bath is more organized." If you vomit, you vomit all at once. If vomiting several times the same, you can not blame your stomach. quality bath
Yes, this is more than a creative process or "opinion" is a vomit or cagalera thoughts. None of these are my opinions, I do not know my opinions. So I take out all the thoughts I have in mind, I leave on the table and observe without being disappeared again in the head. This is what I love to "create": you get it tangible and intangible returns, death and observable. So contradicting me, so now I must apologize and explain myself before an imaginary reader. I prefer to remove all this shit narcissistic pdf in a conversation with someone quality bath I care about. For the same time I need to know what is public, so that everyone can read and there is no turning back.
The same applies to other forms of creation. You take out a melody I had in mind and do public tangible. Or you have an idea for a building you can design and construct the building in stone. quality bath Then all the visions and ideas become realities (always knowing that it is also true intangible), and increasingly the Internet these structures are creating tangible electricity, virtually. Buildings made of polygons instead of stone. The Transhumanist dream is to live in light of these structures, but do not see it so clearly. I think what we are doing is shit or puke all our "dreams" in hyperspace. We are individuals and species, but as I said earlier quality bath texts ... This is only going from my subjective point of view. I do not mean to be living in a solipsistic reality where everything is a reflection quality bath of my psique- "only" that all the world's psyche are his las external reality and these are joined together. We all live in solipsistic quality bath individual realities but real community. It is a solipsism that sees itself from outside.
Therefore, one possibility is that: once the internet is full of virtual reality that fills our dreams ... I do not

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Poetry for Children and Adolescents

We MADE FOR COUPLES AND SHEET had to write and / or draw our proposal and then, Circle, exposing it to GRUP.NO OS thinks it's modulnova so easy to reach an agreement, some couples was unable to finish work and told us they had PROBLEMS.
Many of the ideas consist Or do some work in clay plasticine SO WE GO TO SEE THE QUARTET OF THE MATERIAL AND NOT FINDING MUD, I propose that seem to change it for salt dough.
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Poetry for Children and Adolescents

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

-conscienciar more students-more surveillance in the hallways -Making silence posters a kitchen and

In this second entry (and last for this year) on the issue of noise pollution we want to show that some of the students of 1st ESO is designed to reduce a kitchen excess noise in the institute. a kitchen It is clear that the theory is one thing and the other taking it in practice, but in any case, there are interesting and original ideas. I think it's well worth reading and reflecting on it a bit between:
-conscienciar more students-more surveillance in the hallways -Making silence posters a kitchen and hang them. Put them in places where they should not speak directly -Making classes for different shifts, so as to get out of the classroom faster Let's get out of school with some -jugar game if they go silent tone Voice punish them without talk time -Put videos in class, not to flow with the music volume to training class, which makes little noise, a kitchen not to win any awards music class change so strong a kitchen because we to raise your voice to talk -Put noise limiter classes (a time when teachers leave the classroom, what looks like a chicken coop!) -Control a kitchen decibels every month to go looking if we reduce and improve the sound one -Put piti device when there is too much noise -Put as a traffic corridor so that if there was much uproar is put red, and when everything is silent To have it turn green open spaces because a kitchen they accumulate noise in a small Overseeing the corridors also help students who want to have more silent, not shut down suddenly by not doing much noise -ensenyar students that if they want to speak, raise your hand -Put much more punishment if someone calls in class and make more sheets -Put positive impact for this reason not to call so maybe that do not take the same initiative which the teachers who had a whistle and we feel they do not -change a kitchen other chairs that do not make noise when s'arroseguen -Making a chat with someone from outside the school that raises a kitchen us to show the importance of silence -insonoritzar classrooms and put all windows double a kitchen glazed
a) Initiatives that would make the boys and girls: talk, not shouting -to class changes do not draw much -intentar many cries to get in and out of class, not talking in the hallways stream a kitchen running a kitchen through the halls, not talk from one end to the other aisle -Making more silent when speaking teachers and they too / you should not call, not much fuss made in class, not to interrupt the class Wait until your turn to speak - If teachers do more -aixecar chairs and tables, not drag and backpacks shuffling beat, not us, not beat knocks on the door, not espentejar when you climb stairs or when you're hoping will open the door to enter class because a kitchen then it creates a small discussion which rises to speak to see if someone screaming or talking very loud warning it ourselves because it is talking less control in general -Having lighter - You must bring all the best to add anything else?
Personally I think this story is very well done and if all reflexionéssim institute would be much quieter. There are also reviews that are not made to improve, are made to taste like to do is to say, on the other hand there are others who are very well rumiats and if all is fine. Iker Iñiguez 1st ESO B Delete Reply
We believe that these ideas are fine, but some are a bit ruined, we believe that part of writing all these ideas we should also be carried out. It's good to express these ideas, but do nothing to implement them will avail. Julia Ranera and Mireia Duaigües 1st ESO D Delete Reply
I think this story is well structured and I like it because it is true that counts. Our school is very noisy and needs a big change. Personally I would say that if we put all we could do is institute a much more quieter. In this news are very good ideas and should be used to improve the school, I hope they use. Bernard Erta Majo 1st ESO D Delete Reply
They are the largest of the great ideas that have plantejat.Crec and believe that change will not buy chairs and all of the school as it would spend a lot of money. The proposal of the whistle, I find it quite strange because as far as I think we feel like dogs. It is impossible not to make noise, either projectors, chairs, tables, heels of some teachers a kitchen or students of computer a kitchen keys, opening doors of some of the things that fall land, etc. There are thousands and thousands of sounds and many do not realize that they are not. 1st ESO D Brown Meritxell Most

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To decorate white wood the hallways | Master Ideas for Kids
We make a Christmas tree with recyclable material ??? With the egg carton, paint, glitter and some decorative elements can make a very original Christmas tree. This is what we have done at school endeavors white wood Father Reus. Merry Christmas and Epiphany all / be !!!
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

1 year ago

They have already played ten at night and go to the hospital hallways quieter way to the elevator. A woman is out of the room. Must have sixty. Health solidarity with all who can lead a hospital. In addition, I am happy and loving, my dear operation went well and we have spent a great day together, even though some tough times, because corner street I have become very escruixit and estabornit and a little worried about the pain wounds. And I wonder if I've been out and I've done everything I could to make him feel safe, calm, serene. I have not yet reached the corner I can think of that could make the company do not have patients who no worn-being. Maybe that lady had, at most, a visit from a relative who went to talk to the doctors and stayed with her for half an hour talking about all the technical details of the operation and what the healing process. when she .. more than eager for information, would have preferred to hear simply that someone was really, corner street anyone looking to be placed corner street very close to her to share their concerns! Because a hospital, even today are equipped with a television distracting barrage of stupid programs, it does generate a deep concern. When you lose sight of some kind and cheerful family and strangers take you to the operating room, or when you see your loved one disappeared behind a door, there are lies-lies in that if listened, could lead to many consequences. Skip this fear alone can not share a thought or revel lador, unexpectedly reassuring, corner street must be alienating, anti-human corner street despair. Who knows, one could get the morning in the direction of the hospital and ask if there are volunteer groups, or create one from scratch. Join one afternoon a week to get a plant and ask the nurse responsible for what patients do not receive virtually any visit. The only problem is how to make good intentions. We are full of ideas about things that we do to be good, but then let it gently, corner street the trifles of the day we fill the day. It seems so difficult to make the first move, especially when we are gone maybe something in which we own, something we have not seen done to our friends and family. One thing is to join an NGO or a charity dinner, and quite another to take the same initiatives; listen to our intuitions spontaneous. Albeit politely conversing with marginalized stinking found on the bus, or the less, do not seure'n far as other passengers or separate them by sight not know shame. We invent all of us, to quote the monk Ricard, an adapted gymnastics, staff, progressing slowly on our way to our own good ideas. Would make us happy to know that we sensed in the thought, corner street but imagine enforceability only see the difficulties and discouragements. We should be able to recognize the exercises will allow us to strengthen. I know dosage and accept the inability to finish a year on that have mental needles to prevent us coming back not wanting to hit the gym. Because anyone can become a great athlete if not thousands of hours training.
Another attack in Poplars Elche
The Notebook Luis
Head of State of a pursuer
1 year ago
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Monday, August 25, 2014

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Ninus the aisle | interior landscapes
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It all starts making a study of space, from photos and / or a visit to project ideas. With these ideas, the project is carried out with a photomontage, to give an idea about the approximate maximum result, allowing for changes and new ideas. And finally is the intervention! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Birthday vanity 6 (3) appetizer (6) Beauty (1) Wedding (13) ceremony (4) collaboration (2) Communio

"The Hostal del Carmen is a prestigious hotel and restaurant close to half a century of experience and a wide range of services perfect for hosting vanity 6 all kinds of wedding receptions, family or business in addition to traditional land and you'll love it. "
Apartadet a handyman for the month: DIY played the first week of December was a great day .... weeee !!!! !!! A perfect Josep would f ...
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2014 (143)

We champion. kitchen kettle village Both teams have qualified for the playoffs. We have two teams relegated in Catalan. We have five candidates for two seats ascent stage remaining. We have many teams, fourteen saved. We have four teams looking el ludir Square last fall. The last two days to reach the decisive role that he assumed, involving many teams, half of which compete in the category. 36 The conference served to take a step towards the May 13 closing date that a regular season vibrant, sunny Sunday mornings, but also cloud unexpected rush to resolve difficult situations. These are my ideas of the 36th day: Hallway. The Prado won the championship held last week with defeat, but the sweet taste of the after party with fans Sagnier. They are two games to savor the feat, and see what does the draw for the play-offs expected. The big players in the hall was added potablava giant cock, Devils Prat. In addition, AE Prat gave a cock potablava the CF Puebla Mohammed. The picture you have: Hall of players Puebla champion / Jose Manuel kitchen kettle village Rivero Hall Players champion Puebla / Jose Manuel Rivero The best. A new victory with goals of offensive power and excellent performance of the team leaves Espanyol B mathematically the playoffs, and very close to confirming the second place, it gives some advantage to draw the face of the first round ascent kitchen kettle village phase. The white-and-blue finish the course nearly as proposed. There have been champions, but the final push the lead to second place if they lose Sunday against Vic, if they do, whether Puebla also lost. In any case, the team will most weeks has been in the playoffs this year: 34 days. Ready. The triumph leaves the Puebla Mohammed Sagnier faces very well to close access to mathematical playoffs. The seeds will ensure the rounds to be promoted if they win on Sunday, or if not, whether the Terrace Cornella and are equal to or pijtor result. The Kiko Ramirez, for now, remain outside the State Second Nastic. Follow the fight. Besides Puebla, four teams still opt for two playoff positions have not yet been awarded. Cornellà Santboià have it complicated, depending on the results of others and overcome too many points. The Terrace also depends on what do Manlleu Puebla, but the distance is only Vallesana to the fourth point. Manlleu with the tie Amposta retained fourth place, ready for two crucial days. The other fight. With the goal scored in Ruby, Bakary scorer added his 19th of the year, equaling the head of the list (available in full here), Manlleu striker Dani Planagumà. This is one of the struggles that we face the last two events of the season. Carlos Martinez, with a goal less, and Enrique Gallego, two also have application. kitchen kettle village Salvation. Castelldefels, Ruby, Vic, Olot Balaguer reached via calculator, which was already more or less a fact proven in recent weeks, the Third continuity. For the first it was a matter of time, but for teams who have been in or out of the field, like Vic, Olot Balaguer, salvation is a prize at the end of two weeks. The three newcomers this year, therefore, follow a year in the category. In a step. The vital victory against the mountain Gava, the improbable goal of Isaac Maldonado leaves Miki Carrillo touch of permanence. The score will be awarded if the New Sardinia next Sunday, the penultimate day of the derby, or if you lose, if you do as well or Grama or Vilanova. Point of gold. The gasp equalizer thanks to two goals from free kicks gave to Europe a very important point in Olot. The Pedro Dolera hold pillow (4 points) on the descent, and therefore depend on themselves for, if they win against the mountain, ensuring permanence. The final course is being difficult but the team pulled forces yesterday to make an important step towards salvation. New opportunity. The defeat of the residents' Grama Vic put on the ropes, but the defeat of Vilanova gives a new option to Toni Romero saved for now, when they have only one point more than the Garraf. Next Sunday through Peixauet champion. A victory would kill the Santa Coloma decrease if Vilanova lost at home against Cornella. They are decisive matches. Agony. The defeat puts the Canyars Vilanova more on the ropes than ever. Salvation is a point, but there are only six to play them and the war in parallel with the Grama be raw. Who would save the need to secure victories on Sunday and the last day to get all or nothing. Sunday through the Student Workers Cornellà, which depletes the latest options kitchen kettle village playoffs.
2014 (143)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tagged with: Baby Bedding Libraries Household Furniture Desks Sideboards Furniture Boutique Fitted

Our long they work aligns him or herself of the traditions that have arisen in the process of production itself reminds us how vazhnoda a professional in the business. Each error cost us much, so we can not afford to disappoint you.
We understand that every detail is important. This is the reason each individual part can be made independently and it be given due attention. I love my job and pursue each drop perfection in it.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

Furnished apartment must be heated easily and simply. Coal stoves or similar heating can cause prob

Old age home
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NEW! American herbal quitting cupboards alcohol and cigarettes! More beautiful than I still think about that spirit of childhood He left, leaving me forever Emilia stink! Depression and shattered cupboards nerves harass Galena alone am to blame for their misery
The country has many homes without sanitation facilities that are occupied by the elderly. Generally flat in an old building in need of renovation is substantially cheaper than comfortable new construction. That is why many home according to the needs of the old man, remains a utopia.
However, most elderly people prefer cupboards possible longer stay in their house. They are not impressed, you will need to change where they lived for many years for a new home, even if it is so nice and practical.
If you want to stay in their normal environment when planning a home tailored to the needs of advanced age often need to compromise even when funds are available. Perfect home, based upon the needs of the old man
It must: have a good communication with the means of public transport is nearby shopping and service cupboards shops not far from the doctor's cupboards office to have a near entertainment options (movies, theater, etc.) to which can be reached on foot and is equipped with an elevator in the building or on the ground floor to be located cupboards near the park, if you do not have a garden cupboards or balcony is not very large
Furnished apartment must be heated easily and simply. Coal stoves or similar heating can cause problems kitchen should cupboards be practical furnished: fridge and oven stove must be at least the height of the hips; electrical appliances, such as stoves that power over time, increase security; gas stove you should cupboards be equipped with a safety valve must have a bathroom shower because the entry in the tub often becomes difficult. The flooring should not be slippery in the shower and the toilet must have handles furniture in the living room must comply with the characteristics cupboards of advanced age: no low and soft sofas and chairs - always bringing trouble to the floor is easy to maintain and not furbished (risk of slipping). Carpets are also carpeted, to avoid stumbling or slipping bedroom is chosen most cool and quiet room. The bed should not be too low, and the cabinet with bedding can be opened cupboards easily check the availability of power in the old housing. Sufficiently illuminated switches facilitate orientation night old people need more light than younger people. Therefore, in your home do not miss a few watts and ask the landlord to provide enough light in the entrance and the stairs the phone should not be too long cord (tripping hazards), it is better to have a second camera in the bedroom perfectly to have an emergency phone connected to a respite care service. Check with the post office new residential can never be planned without future residents. Every old man develops habits. Roads, which traveled for decades and which suddenly change may increase the risk of accidents
Even if you already own to make all activities at home or temporarily're sick, it does not follow that immediately

Thursday, August 21, 2014

# 18 - In each of the b

Walk the rocky path deeper and deeper into a forest of rustling in the quiet green trees. Sun hopping between them and its rays are sometimes driven into my eyes. A narrowed them to collect accidental drops from their corners. Catch Dimitar hand and on my lips almost zatrepva desire to leave, interior design living room not go through the entrance, above which says "Arbeit macht frei".
"Work makes you free" are words that only the German concentration camp "Dachau" have been read by over 200,000 prisoners during the Third Reich and the German government of Adolf Hitler. We arrive there on a warm autumn day, and the contrast between it and the lush forest around its walls is almost ironic example of how in the heavenly dome alongside may exist something so beautiful as nature and something so awful as concentration camps. interior design living room
# 1 - This inscription above the door there is a few death camp in Germany, including interior design living room "Auschwitz I". The phrase is taken from the title of a book by German philologist Lorenz Diefenbach, which tells of how gamblers and fraudsters rediscover the path to virtue through labor. My first thought when we met this door was shocked and speechless by the cruel irony that wells up behind three simple interior design living room and in another situation even beautiful words put right here.
# 2 - Behind the grille of the entrance opens a huge space, lit by the sun and unreal quiet, despite the hundreds of tourists who walk the alleys. Silence seems to have seeped into the earth itself, and even in the beginning to have the words to share, just hours after they fade, lips dry and sticky bitter voice hoarse.
# 3 - "Dachau" was the first concentration camp in Germany, established on March 22, 1933 - just 51 days after Hitler took power. In the beginning was intended for German prisoners, opponents of the Third Reich, and subsequently convicted of all nationalities. Image: One of the two preserved barracks for prisoners, which can be ragzleda and inside - the rest were destroyed and remind them just numbers - carved into grantini plates.
# 4 - "Dachau" is located 16 km from Munich, near the town of the same name. Two-thirds of the prisoners there were polichiteski prisoners and one third Jewish. Never make it clear just how fallen behind concrete and wire fences of the camp, but guesses were about 40,000 people - died as a result of illness, malnutrition, suicide or execution.
# 5 - Today the territory of "Dachau" interior design living room has built several chapels and places interior design living room of worship, including Catholic interior design living room and Protestant church and a synagogue. Image: Altar in the small and picturesque Russian chapel, just to build the crematorium at the camp.
# 6 - Pictured: The building of the crematorium interior design living room and gas chamber interior design living room at the camp. In 1940 has become the construction of a crematorium, as the number of deaths has increased dramatically. In 1943 was built a new building interior design living room (the one in the photo) near the old - the walls of the camp outside it. To reach them crossed post SS. The gas chamber in "Dachau" was never used for mass executions. Today about crematorium are dozens of memorials interior design living room in memory of the fallen.
# 7 - Beyond the threshold of building a gas chamber and crematorium began a short time in a few rooms with descriptions and explanations for what they served. I thought the tour of this small building last for hours, and many people came out with tears in his eyes or crying. Image: The new crematorium. In each of the furnaces could be cremated between 2 and 3 units at once.
# 12 - The left entrance of the building is destined for the steps to the gas chamber. First is room for disinfecting interior design living room clothes after her waiting room (pictured) and the locker room where prisoners are taken off their clothes, then comes the gas chamber (hidden behind the name "bath shower") and finally the room to collect carcasses to badta transferred to the crematorium in the last room.
# 14 - The gas chamber with a single window in the dark, intended for mass executions. Thanks valves installed interior design living room in the walls of that "leak" poisonous gas "Zyklon B" in this room could have been killed more than 150 people at a time, for about 15-20 minutes. Fact that was never used for mass murder, but only for small groups of prisoners or "individual" executions interior design living room did not decreases terrifying feelings that they felt while standing in the darkness.
# 17 - During the reconstruction in "Dachau" interior design living room in 1937 - '38, the prisoners had to build 34 large barracks in two symmetrical rows of 17 each. This picture shows one of the saved and the other marks that were destroyed after 1960
# 18 - In each of the b

From that moment on I was told not to eat and drink (to eat I have not thought of, but thirst was i

Tokuda - now with a birth plan
Home Introduction About Me My Certificates Media Statistics Reviews Services and Prices Courses Informed choices for birth and then Course in Gynecological Hospital "Dr.Shterev" Online Club "time Doula" Certification of doulas Articles Videos Resources Books Movies Sites for learning opportunities Documents Informed consents Sample birth plan contract doula service Doulas cabinet doors
At Tokuda Hospital was quite formal work plan for the birth that the mother prepare and discuss with your doctor. The plan is posted to the hospital, it's quite detailed and themselves as you can see already admitted many things - his own music and clothes, dim light, the presence of a companion, cabinet doors birthing ball, fluid intake, freedom of movement, etc. - things which are important to a delivery flow and slightly positive. In January 2012, Tokuda were made and the first births of doulas ie and it is no longer possible. cabinet doors
Since last year we had an agreement to do video Tokuda, as we did for the other hospitals, but constantly delayed cabinet doors and apparently will not happen soon. So I decided not to wait any longer to write that material information and reviews hospital. For its preparation helped me Elitsa and Svilena - two mothers who have given birth in Tokuda in January 2012 Svilena was born naturally, while Elitsa an urgent cesarean for medical reasons. cabinet doors
I was admitted to the Department of 'Obstetrics and high-risk pregnancy "Tokuda hospital cabinet doors in 15 hours., 17 January 2012 by leaky membranes without natal activity (no contractions, no extension, no change in the cervix). They would immediately induce birth and left me to "relax" and to gather strength for the birth hoping to start spotanno. The waters continued to form and run until about 3:00 at night and I often went to the bathroom to bathe. At 3 am on January 18, 2012 I felt mild pain in the big time. Pain gradually prevailed and I started cabinet doors picking them to watch and noticed that occurred cabinet doors in 5 minutes. Besides being more frequent, and the pain became stronger. Once my contractions were less than 5 minutes I called on duty in the ward with the news "that might give birth."
From that moment on I was told not to eat and drink (to eat I have not thought of, but thirst was increasing). cabinet doors During the pushing my dribble some water in your mouth. Allowed me to walk, squat to stand and sit, stand (tug) the toilet. I had not thought about a shower and do not know whether the permit. I felt great pain when the contractions became more frequent in less than 5 minutes and it was hard to think of anything but hope for the pain to ease.
To me all the time had a midwife that I "hold your hand" from the beginning of the birth process to lift me out of bed two hours after birth. I can appreciate the atmosphere as relaxed or not, because I myself was very busy and dynamic team of doctors and nurses behaved calmly and confidently. I do not know if they would allow music, but I see no reason not afford. Doctors are very responsive to the wishes of mothers, doctors, cabinet doors or at least my birth.
In pushing remember I was in at least three positions - lying by using different options to support the feet, was also done by leaning on table, and sitting on the toilet. For the first time gave me a baby as soon as I got out of bed, which was two hours after I got out of the delivery room. From the next day, the day my baby was constantly with me.
My impressions of the staff and the hospital are very good. I think there are many experienced professionals who are also nice people. cabinet doors Tokuda chosen for several reasons: our family has used the services of other departments and physicians have known. When I suspected I was pregnant I called my girlfriend pediatrician Tokuda and asked her where to go to Women's consultation. So far our gynecologist was Dr. Anna Chorbova (from Vita Hospital) and at first my friend told me to go to her again. But I was not sure I wanted to go / birth in Vita. I consulted cabinet doors with Dr. Markov MC "Markovs" whether born in or Vita Tokuda and he strongly recommended me because Tokuda: excellent neonatologists, a large number of births, experienced professionals. Two days later my friend - pediatrician Tokuda call that I was an appointment with Dr. Kiryakova in Tokuda, for which feedback is that it is very humane and takes care of his patients. This proved to be true. I would of course give birth to her, but she was granted 20 days in early January 2012, when it happened and my birth. But had previously spoken with Dr. Lazarova it to take birth. cabinet doors Just to clarify that I went to Women's consultation with Dr. Kiryakova cabinet doors but my birth was Dr. Lazarova at the end include Dr. Iliev. I had complications with the placenta, which is not

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

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For the miracle to come out stronger than BG Hospital
I am a Bulgarian! Business inspiration Bicycles and bicycle VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION Home & Family Life Health Epilepsy Many personal Poetry Poetry Society of Silva Forest merillat cabinets Technology Happiness and smiles
Delight - cakes Varna Copywriting / Copywriting Course works, theses House Venus Wedding and Children Photography and Video Wedding Photography Page of blood donors merillat cabinets in Bulgaria Lyrics
I would not wish anyone this adventure. merillat cabinets Conditions are nomadic merillat cabinets (you can see the pictures): in room - 4 beds, single, a sleeping mother and child; hot water - 30 minutes in the morning and evening; cockroaches; dirty walls - stained with anything - blood, vomit, food ...; one bathroom for 8 people, which will shower - but why have a shower with no hot water; gutted beds; sheets stains; cabinets - hulled merillat cabinets and double-dirty; terrible merillat cabinets heat (in the absence of bath is even more terrible); toilet not want to talk.
And to top it - doctors do not pay any attention - the rounds are 10 minutes total per day for 4 patients. Then doctors are undetectable. In most cases, patients learn diagnosis and treatment by a medical history, which they receive at discharge (ie, held at the end of treatment).
And on many patients merillat cabinets can talk. Or to say only this: 95% Gypsies. Collected in the hallways to speak their language, and they can not speak quietly smoking in toilets, throwing diapers where they fall, listen to folk music, watch a "rose" (May) of their visits come whole herds - 5-6 persons, not keep quiet while the kids are sleeping, steal.
These patients can not speak Bulgarian language - can not explain why they are in the hospital, what are the child's symptoms merillat cabinets do not understand when the doctor asks if the child has a fever, if often ill ...
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Hello, Yanka. There LL sent us the urgency had much time to think. And frankly, I do not know where else in Varna happen hospitalizations. At the hospital, I heard that there was another hospital, but I did not understand what, where ... Is there anywhere else to go?
Well honestly I do not know whether and where else can otide.Az cat health is not provided, I always went to private doctors offices and t.n.Oshte more that it was a child - I would not have brought in such usloviya.Vyarno is that all about finance, but in such squalor, stench and Signal would not stayed one night, and as far as you think you spent for 4 nights merillat cabinets / days !!! You two daughter are heroes to know !!! hope you do not have to visit again and stay hospitals for treatment, but if there is a next time, just ask your doctor if there is better availability and conditions against zaplashtane.Vse again in future children taka.Az you do not have kids, but not I left it in these terms, as I myself will not stand there !!! do not blame / not you sounded so de / and I said you're both characters that have survived for 4 days in braziers and mizeriya.Nay especially among Sigal and folk music, so that conditions how-to-e can swallow (if not alone, but with a different person) .Abe-heroines YOU !!!
Yeah, I'm not saying that I would pay private. Just in case the problem was that I did not know alternatives (I know). merillat cabinets And, of course, it depends on the price. Thanks for having joined the minidebata us here.
Good on you get better barzo.Ako you have another way to enter the hospital may no direction merillat cabinets to go to the hospital Dr Lissitchkova, located northern MC Youtube (known as Polyclinic merillat cabinets of Mareshki with / in at D-will .Milev) .Product data you need, but the base is great and all staff.
I hope you do not need to go there again, Unfortunately the conditions are really such, but we are regular paatsienti there-my daughter is diabetic and unfortunately in Varna where no other hospital to accept us so I have no choice and put up by Sigal and conditions
Ellie, then I'm wrong, that in Bulgaria there is no alternative merillat cabinets to hospitalization. Sorry for your child. I hope the treatment taken lightly and should be fine soon! My epilepsy is, but at least we do not have because to be hospitalized.
If next time before you enter the hospital go through Dr. Kiriazov from Aurora Medical Center. Venflon put in place and have to go for morning and evening injections, and at other times you are home. After a nightmarish stay in infectious merillat cabinets clinic decision for me-he's just hope a long time to be alive!
lili, hello to you. And Dr. Kiriazov solution. What you describe (walking in the morning and evening for injection) has happened 3 years ago. We live very close to Aurora and was comfortable to. Unfortunately, he has a lot of patients and last 2-3 times as I tried to do harm to him for review, I could not. Having had to lead somewhere

Monday, August 18, 2014

Leo: Lost property can be located in sunny hall, in the room with many windows, a living room where

If you ask yourself, then watch K2 because it describes your personal property. If it is something that my son or daughter you lost, then watch the second home of the daughter or son ie 6 home map (fifth house describes them them, and the second to the fifth represents their movable property). Likewise, if your question concerns something lost your husband watch the eighth map because it represents the seventh and eighth is his property. For example, if the manager of the eighth is to say in the ninth card, it represents his third home and then read the explanations concerning third home.
The first thing you should do is find out if the lost item will be found or not. Check that the pending Application aspect between the manager of the home, which is a man who has been missing a thing, object manager and the corresponding second home. If there is such a connection it is the object will be found. Lost property will be found in the following cases: The same sign of the cusp of the first and second home pending Application aspect between the Moon and the Ascendant or the Moon and A S1 Application aspect between the Moon and Y2 A Application aspect between the Moon and the planet in the second house A Application aspect between the Moon and Pars Fortuna A Application aspect mezhu moon and the Governor of the Moon A Application trine aspect between the Sun and the Moon trine aspect of applications pending between the Sun and Y2 A Application trine aspect between the Sun and K2 Application A trine aspect between the Moon and Sun K2 located in the ascendant (except in cases where it is in Libra or Aquarius) Moon, Y2, Jupiter, Venus, Pars Fortuna, North Node are in first, second or fourth house moon, Y2 are in angular houses (1.4 , 7.10), built in cupboards Y2 is retrograde built in cupboards A Application aspect of the moon or Y2 with Pars Fortuna - then lost item is safe and will be found 2 were located in the tenth or eleventh house is a sign that the lost property is located close to the owner or keep it a friend
Lost property will be found on the sun and the moon are in the homes of the first to seventh moon or 2 were found in homes or falling away from the moon or Y1, Y2 are in seventh house aspected by S7 (lost item that is missing is stolen ) Moon or Pars Fortuna managed by Mars, Saturn or Uranus K2 is negative aspecting Moon or Y2 e 17 away from the sun or moon, Y2 are in the eighth or in the Application aspect Y8 Moon or Y2 are separating aspect with own managers
If 2 were located at a distance of five degrees from the cusp of the next house counts though is the next home. If Y2 is the final degree mark - 29, there is likely to be lost item is hidden behind some things. If Y2 is located built in cupboards at the beginning of the sign - 0 degrees, then lost item is located near a window, door or a box package that will be moved to the new location.
The other place you need to look for the lost item is the sign and the home, which is located Pars Fortuna. When it is not the rule for counting a second home depending on who you ask. Looking into the home and the sign in which it is located. If Pars Fortuna or her manager is located in one of the corner houses built in cupboards (1,4,7,10), this means that the lost item home.
Fire signs: near heaters, stove, chimney tops of the room Aries: Lost property can be located close to the chimney or a heater; in a room where they are kept instruments; in rooms with locked doors and cabinets; in areas where there are things of iron, ammunition, built in cupboards weapons; in the vicinity of the ceiling; in a room dominated by the color red. Lost property can be located outside, near a pine forest, plowed land, sandy soil. Where sell bread, also in barbershop, gym, sports club or dentist. East.
Leo: Lost property can be located in sunny hall, in the room with many windows, a living room where children spend the most time. Also in the room where you keep things gilded or with expensive furniture; box where children keep their toys or place where they sleep. Lost property can be a home game, sometimes betting bar, theater, built in cupboards circus, cafeteria, built in cupboards gym or park, playground, forest, desert, rocky places where there is a lot of heat. Northeast.
Shooter: The Lost property can be in the upper room near a heater, the largest room in the house / apartment; where parties are held for guests. Also in the room where you hold insurance policies for pets; in the room where you keep religious literature or university near places where there are religious built in cupboards objects (icons

Sunday, August 17, 2014

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Safe handling of meat mincer 14 When working with mincing machines with belt and gear inlet to put

Home Training Our training officials and members of the WCC / WCG Training of the instruction training "Ergonomics computing" Training "Storage of dangerous chemical substances and mixtures" Training "Safety when working with chemical agents" Training "Manual operation weight "Online Training Services Review and analysis of working conditions Safety Assessment storage OHVS Clients About Us Contact Us
Attention! Safety instructions that you will find here are indicative only and provides guidance on safety requirements. You may contain technical inaccuracies and language, and do not match the equipment you use!
1. work is limited to people who are: - 18 years of age (exceptions are allowed only for unskilled work in compliance with the requirements for working with nenavyrshili wardrobe cabinet 18 years -sanitarno hygiene and employment legislation); - Medically examined and no contraindications; - Received an initial briefing and instruction wardrobe cabinet in the workplace. 2 When working with mechanical equipment to meet the requirements for safe operation of the equipment according to the passports and other legal requirements - mehano- and electrical. wardrobe cabinet
SAFE HANDLING 3 potato peeler when handling not to touch inside the working cylinder or cone in the door in the opening. 4. The removal hands of potatoes remained between the rotating disk and the door. 5 It is prohibited to operate the machine when removed fuse unit. 6 Potato is mounted on a concrete plinth with a height less than 10 cm.
SAFETY WITH Vegetable wardrobe cabinet 7 Before starting wardrobe cabinet work with Vegetable to check tightening bolts and attachment of various devices to the universal gear. 8 Submission of vegetable slicers to become special wooden piston which have at the lower edge a guarantee ring with a larger diameter, so that between the disc and the piston has a length wardrobe cabinet of not less than 1 cm. 9 is prohibited to operate the machine with protective fencing and taken without hopper placement of products. 10 In accumulation of vegetables in the cutting zone, the machine stops and then to clean tongs, shovels and other facilities cut products. 11 terms used discs and knives can be removed with special devices designed for this purpose after stopping 12 machine wash wipe blades and discs only be done with sponges and towels, and very carefully. 13 Assembly and disassembly wardrobe cabinet of individual devices only through the knife switch wardrobe cabinet off electricity supply.
Safe handling of meat mincer 14 When working with mincing machines with belt and gear inlet to put a protective ring that prevents the penetration of fingers in the neck and supply meat to use wooden piston. 15 On machines wardrobe cabinet remychna wardrobe cabinet gear to put protective wooden or metal housings. 16 When the machine stops due to congestion or hum in the motor to turn off the electrical current through the switch to return the belt back to skins and tendons removed from the machine and then restarting. 17 accession to the universal grinder machine, assembly and disassembly is just go with the engine off. 18 Including mesomesachkata be done only after the lid is placed on the working vessel. 19 is forbidden during kneading testing minced wardrobe cabinet meat mixture with your hands or pressing his hands to mixers. 20 tilt Court order the work be done carefully, since the delay time of small electrical current can lead to breakage of the Court order and work injury.
SAFETY Bread-cutters 21 cleaning and lubrication of Bread-cutters only be done on a stationary machine, ie Switch off the motor. 22 Placing and removing wardrobe cabinet the bread only be performed on a stationary machine. 23 In suspension feeding bread to move it is only when machine is switched off. 24 sliced bread to take only open protective cover of the platform. 25 The regulation of the thickness of the cutting be done only on a stationary machine. 26 It is prohibited to block the action of some of the limit switches, in order to ensure continuous operation of the machines. 27 Removing the blade guard and on the knife to be carried out only with the switch. 28 Knife sharpening can only be dismantled in position of the blade.
SAFE HANDLING Slicer 29 In working with Slicer wardrobe cabinet is prohibited bringing the hands to the blade during movement and manual feed of sausages. 30 The inclusion of the machine is only outlet that has ground terminal type "Schuko". 31 The removal of debris from the blades with rest

Saturday, August 16, 2014

England Bansko Bourgas Velingrad Bulgaria Germany french kitchen Greece Russia London Pamporovo Sun

Categories and types of tourist sites
England Bansko Bourgas Velingrad Bulgaria Germany french kitchen Greece Russia London Pamporovo Sunny Beach Sofia Turkey coast France Switzerland landmark french kitchen sights ski resorts interesting story resort resorts curious monastery Sea News Island beach vacation mountain nature world ski photos spa tips tourism tourists tourist sites hotels french kitchen hotel rates abroad Archive
July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 January 2014 December 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February french kitchen 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August french kitchen 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007
Recent french kitchen Articles If you are looking for summer vacation - Sozopol your calls Balchik - sea awaits Golden Sands is a great seaside resort St. St. Constantine and Elena is the oldest Bulgarian sea resort Albena resort is the third largest in Bulgaria Sunny Beach is preferred by foreign tourists Sea in Nessebar Primorsko is a unique resort Hissar is a place for entertainment and relakstsiya If you like spa vacations come in Velingrad Last comments for Ady Roraima - a mysterious and magical corner of our land for Anonymous Holidays in Spain and Portugal comes at cheaper for British Fame Panaiotov of Bulgaria is a top destination in Germany for the Summer-2008 Ivet Kostova Why plan for early summer holiday in Bulgaria? Zivko Stalev- for Bulgaria is famous destination french kitchen Alcoholic Anonymous More Bulgarians traveling abroad Vesso Manev for Cigov Mountains - ideal for holidays in the mountains of Bulgaria Bobby with some of the most expensive ski resorts in Europe for Bulgaria Ivan with some of the cheapest french kitchen ski resorts in Europe Philippe french kitchen for Bulgaria will be divided into tourist areas
But what is behind these names. Separation of the 2 categories is rather technical and administrative nature. Unfortunately this is another french kitchen framework whose role is to regulate the relations between public authorities and business, a consumer perspective simply missing. Therefore, what is behind the various types of blurs in public french kitchen understanding, and hence leads to false expectations. Separately outside the listed sites often use terms such as pensions, apartments, residential complex and quite fashionable lately apart hotels, spa hotels or business hotels.
Hotel - categorization to five stars - the most common form of offering shelter. Competition in the industry is forcing hoteliers to offer an ever wider range of services and facilities, which significantly affects both the price and the consumer utility service. In order to facilitate comparison and selection introduced a standardized system for the categorization of objects from 1 to 5 stars. The evaluation criteria are based on numerous characteristics of Bulgaria as they are legally fixed by the Regulation on classification of tourist sites.
Thus, to meet the 3 star hotel should provide the guests parking, restaurants, lift, reception, lobby, office travel services, lobby bar. Room for two must be 15.6 m2 with bathroom 4.3 sq m, bedside tables, combined table, table with light chairs, wardrobe french kitchen with hangers, rack, telephone, thick curtains, TV, vase, ashtray, menu for room service, mini-bar, french kitchen mirror and Melting. Requirements to service - welcoming tourists from concierge, french kitchen taking luggage from bellboy and escort to room, bed linen and towels for 2 days and daily toiletries, and even a fruit bowl. Mandatory hotel services - laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, nursery, french kitchen car rental, taxi, currency exchange, travel services, medical care, beauty and hairdressing services, french kitchen storage of valuables.
Business hotel - apart from the requirements for a hotel in this class of objects must be offered french kitchen a full range of business services - translation and secretarial services, conference hall equipped with audio and video equipment for presentations, wireless Internet access, computer systems and hire others.
Spa hotel - back to the hotel requirements are added and typical spa services &

Friday, August 15, 2014

Dusting dust can lead to breathing difficulties, kitchen world since the very dust can be an irrita

Bathing Sit on a chair or stool while brushing, shaving or make-up. kitchen world (This will allow you to support your elbows on the sink or countertop). Place frequently used items such as towels kitchen world and shaving kits to reach places in the bathroom. Decline of the bath or standing in the shower, replace them with a suitable bath chair and hand shower. If you are unable to wash their own hair, ask for help. Ensure safety in the bathroom with the help of attached to the wall or tub handles or rails, kitchen world which you can catch it. Mats, non-slip, also improve safety. Increase your independence kitchen world by using the brush with a long handle bath and towel-sling to wash your back and legs. Minimize blew by wearing bathrobe or wrap in a large towel to dry. Avoid using spray-aerosol deodorants and shaving creams that can irritate the lungs. Control your breathing while taking a shower or bath. Keep the temperature of the water - not warm, not hot, to minimize stuffiness.
Ironing and Wear dirty or clean clothes using a cart or basket with wheels. Place the machine on a higher surface (cabinet) to avoid bending. Stretched drying clothes require less ironing. Make a schedule for washing during the week to avoid accumulation. Always fold the dry clothes sitting, preferably directly from the dryer. kitchen world If you spread out the clothes to dry, drier place at the right height kitchen world so as not to bend or stretch. Sort clothes on a table (never on the floor), you can use the table on wheels for moving clothes, etc.. Avoid frequent bending. Iron sitting by adjusting the height of the ironing board to a comfortable level. Place the table and stand hangers to the ironing kitchen world board to place iron clothes. Do not iron what should be ironed! Instead of ironing stretch and fold the sheets, towels and underwear.
Vacuuming Take a deep breath before running the vacuum cleaner, start exhaling with pursed lips and at the same time turn on the machine. Agree pushing and pulling kitchen world with your breathing. Move slowly and rhythmically with a vacuum cleaner. Inhale when the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner away from you exhale while pulling towards you. Maintain good posture. Take frequent breaks. To minimize dust particles in the air, use damp newspaper to empty the vacuum cleaner bag, or get a vacuum kitchen world cleaner with water filter.
Dusting dust can lead to breathing difficulties, kitchen world since the very dust can be an irritant. In some cases, kitchen world removal of dust can be done in a sitting position. Do not use spray to remove dirt on furniture, as it is also an irritant. Instead, use a cream or paste. Cleaning dust from high surfaces use long handle to avoid climbing. To clean the dust from the lower surfaces sit and help with appropriate devices with adjustable handles to avoid bending. Avoid clutter of furniture and effects, so that you can clean the dust without having to move furniture and objects.
Cleaning floors when using a broom or mop, use such a long handle to you face and avoid bending at the waist. Use flooring that require little maintenance. kitchen world Washing the floor, use a sponge-mop kitchen world with a long handle. Inhale when you press the rag away from yourself; exhale when you pull it toward you. Kneeling and rubbing is hard work: if you have to do, control your breathing. In the position of the knees, inhale, exhale start with pursed lips, and at the same time lean to scrub the floor. Pause to breathe while kneeling, and exhale with pursed lips when using more effort to lean and clean. Select the best part of the day for heavy tasks such as cleaning, as they take much of your energy.
Wiping spilled liquids and lifting fallen objects Use a small mop to clean spilled liquids without bending. Use long tongs to pick up objects from the floor. Use paper towels and napkins to reduce laundry.
Cleaning the tub Sit or kneel to clean the tub instead of bend. Use a sponge or a brush with a long handle. Avoid cleaning sprays, aerosols and chemical cleaners. Control your breathing - inhale and exhale until you start cleaning. Give yourself frequent breaks. This restores your energy and prevents shortness of breath, dizziness and sweating.
Turndown Breaking this activity into smaller parts is very important. Make only one

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ordinance 20 of 8 September 2011 on safety rules and standards for passenger ships issued by the

Links Esperex - OH & S Registered Occupational Medicine REGISTER control kitchen workshop bodies of the working environment. REGISTER permits under Regulation 2815-Iz for traders that carry out fire safety Recent Posts Ordinance RD 07-3 of 18 July 2014 on minimum requirements for microclimate jobs Occupational health services in Bulgaria - Training for 2014 work with Personal Protective Equipment Recent Comments by Ivan Kirov Occupational health services in Bulgaria - 2014 Stefanova in New instruction of the Institute for hospital sheets on Nova Nadejda instruction of the Institute for hospital sheets Tags
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Ordinance 20 of 8 September 2011 on safety rules and standards for passenger ships issued by the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications promulgated. kitchen workshop SG. 73 of 20 September 2011.
Art. 1 (1) This regulation lays down rules and safety standards for new and existing passenger ships, including high-speed passenger ships flying the Bulgarian flag and domestic transport.
b) be constructed of material other than steel or other similar material and not covered by the standards concerning High Speed Craft (Resolution MSC 36 (63) or MSC 97 (73) of the Maritime kitchen workshop Safety Committee of the International kitchen workshop Maritime Organization kitchen workshop (IMO), or vessels with dynamic stability (Resolution A.373 (X) of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization);
2 class - domestic transport, during which not stray more than 20 miles of shoreline where shipwreck may go ashore at the height of the water corresponding to the average height of the tide;
3 Class C - for domestic transport in sea areas where the probability to fall in waves exceeding 2,5 m, is less than 10% over one year in operation year-round or for a specific limited period of the year when operating exclusively during this period (eg. commissioned in summer period) during which the vessel is not more than 15 miles from the refuge, nor more than five miles of coastline, where shipwreck may go ashore at the height of the water corresponding to the average height of the tide;
4 Class D - for domestic transport in sea areas where the probability to fall in waves exceeding 2,5 m, is less than 10% over one year in operation year-round or for a specific limited period of the year for operation exclusively during this period (eg. commissioned in summer period), during kitchen workshop which they never are more than six miles of refuge, nor more than 3 miles from the shoreline, where shipwreck may go ashore at the height of the water corresponding to the average height of the tide.
(2) For high speed passenger craft, the relevant categories defined in Chapter 1, p. 1.4.10 and 1.4.11 of the Code for High Speed Craft 1994 or Chapter 1, p. 1.4.12 and 1.4.13 of the Code for High Speed Craft 2000
(4) The Executive Agency "Maritime admin

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Categories Designer luminaires

The type and category tree that we can use in their homes would divide them into two basic types of wood: untreated or poorly treated wood, which is close to the visual aesthetic sound natural material; Technical treated wood, which is more common material in our lifestyle and daily routine.
I will not go into detail on the types of treatments and methods of impregnation, as there are far more qualified people in this area, I would soon again stopped the emotional and visual side of this so special to me material. It is important to know that nowadays except teak, which we can use in wet areas, kitchen warehouse and have a waterproof MDF and various impregnanti array that allow us peaceful kitchen warehouse use of the material in bathrooms, toilets and other sanitary facilities.
In the example we can see in addition the use of wood as a basic material for the production of bathroom cabinets, also in another very interesting its direction, namely the furniture and accessories of the roots! This visual aesthetic tool could be quite a powerful tool in the design kitchen warehouse of an interior, kitchen warehouse where not overdo it, not to reach too garden or too natural sounding rooms! Except of course if you do not seek precisely such !
The most common timber in our latitudes are pine, beech and oak, but also not infrequently kitchen warehouse use birch, walnut, cherry, ash, linden, poplar. Chamat is the cheapest and not particularly preferred material of architects and designers, but sometimes we can meet a lot of nice examples: kitchen warehouse
Increasingly we find furniture from olive wood, different species of exotic trees such as teak, meranti, Balawi and eucalyptus kitchen warehouse and others. Exotic trees are rare or grow away from Europe, kitchen warehouse making them more expensive and valuable here. The same situation is with flooring, besides the usual oak and beech parquet, often import and teak flooring, merbo, bamboo, iroko, kumaru, sukupira, auora, wenge, rosewood, zhatoba, pilang, marasava and others.
Parquet from exotic woods are extremely resistant to weather and incredible beauty. Of course in no way should we forget and ignore anything our birth. However, because price matters!
In the times in which we live, let us not forget that stress is a major factor for all diseases. A warm and cozy, and it is important davoto is a material that can make us feel "at home" even hundreds of miles from home. For this and other reasons, expect to continue to engage you with examples and examples of use of this material to show you than conventional solutions, which we all know, a number of natural and modern solutions to its implementation! Maybe not everyone can afford a bed of tree, but what prevents us to dream about it?
1 Response
Thank you for the interesting statiya.Darvoto should always be present in a home to me because imparts softness and comfort of the overall interior vid.Dori not see exactly zhaltenikaivya his color, or rather brown, then again there is a melkota. Here we show a very beautiful flooring. It would be great if I can not find the same for my villa, where the second floor is still not right.
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Categories Designer luminaires "Bondar" studio directly from the kitchen kitchen warehouse of "Bondar" News Publications kitchen warehouse Reflections on the topic Conversions and difficulties Board of "architect"
Categories Designer luminaires "Bondar" studio directly from the kitchen of "Bondar" News Publications Reflections kitchen warehouse on the topic Conversions and difficulties Board of "architect"
And here's some news from the kitchen! Studio "Bondar" managed to take part in one of the most prestigious design exhibitions in Bulgaria, namely the One Design Week, 2014. first exhibition One Design Week was held in 2009. as ... read more July 29, 2014 / 02:05 pm / No comments Bio shop "BioBo"
According to Wikipedia the definition of organic food is organic foods are produced according to certain production standards. In the vast majority of human history, kitchen warehouse agriculture can be described as organic. Only in the 20th century the great ... read more