Thursday, March 12, 2015

From giant billboards that are deployed around the country, Angela Merkel said Germans smiles sympa

Foreign Policy: Revolutionary Angie | The Citizens Voice
From giant billboards that are deployed around the country, Angela Merkel said Germans smiles sympathetically, pull out as will be smiling a family relative. So begins Paul Hackenos comment published in "Foreign Policy" pull out to the German chancellor, continuing with the explanation that in this country pull out with caressed Merkel called "Mommy" ("mother" in English).
In fact, one in Germany is not called "revolutionary", as she is known far two mandates to govern much more cautious and has sought consensus, as is the case for intervention in Syria and renewable energy. Even in the decision it is known that more willingly waiting to see what is happening, rather than haste.
Under the leadership of Merkel, her party has abandoned Christian Democrat position he has held this party during the cold war, and foremost in the commentary said "Foreign Policy," this change of policy pull out has served to marvel pull out CDU.
Comment on FP recalls that Merkel's party was created after World War II, some of which were also several former Nazis, but also members of the Catholic Church. Its creator is Konrad Adenauer, whose influence will be felt until the unification of Germanys.
A devout Catholic, Adenauer was born in 1876 and has led Germany at the time of the "Wirtschaftswunder" pull out (economic miracle) and the entry of this country into NATO and the alignment with the West. At this party, at that time the Catholic pull out Church had a great impact.
Party had understood that voters should seek younger and non-Catholic voters. Comment published in "Foreign Policy" writes the CDU needed to step occupied modern pull out Germany, but links with the past were so strong that it was impossible to become detachment from the past.
"Revolution Merkel pull out - who goes on a go with its maturity - in any form was not as interference in the Bastille French medieval castle, but rather an extremely effective transformation from within", said in a commentary published in "Foreign Policy" .
"However, pull out Merkel, a professional physicist, had no children pull out and was not even married to her partner until he joined the party", said at the end of the comment of "Foreign Policy". / REL /
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