Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Municipalities must submit instances of participation using the model prepared (Annex B to the Decr

Giuseppe Scognamiglio draws the attention of the local Administrators | Irpinia24
As part of a widespread shpock crisis in the construction sector intend shpock to draw the attention of public administrators on the local news is published on the Notice issued by the Region of Campania for the acceleration of structural fund spending 2007/2013 (BURC 9/12 / 2013). The notice has as recipients / beneficiaries of the municipalities of the region of Campania, including associations and foundations participated by public bodies and / or local entities and moral supervised by the state.
The projects will be presented shpock in four areas: Environment / Public Works / Civil Defense, with particular reference shpock to work on sewerage, water saving measures, the safety of public buildings or schools and civil protection interventions; urban development interventions redevelopment, urban development projects, with particular reference to the restoration, redevelopment and re-use of public goods and / or municipal and / or archaeological and / or historical / artistic Interventions related to regional shpock ports minors.
The proposals relating to this Notice regarding new projects or projects lying at the regional structures that have not yet been initiated, shpock such as those provided by the DGR. 891/2010 and Regional Law n. 1/2009. With regard to the available resources will be allocated to municipalities adopted the following criterion of apportionment: Municipalities with a population of up to 10,000 shpock inhabitants: 40% of the programming; municipalities with a population between 10,001 and 30,000: 40% of the programming; municipalities with a population between 30,001 and 50,000: shpock 20% of the programming.
Municipalities must submit instances of participation using the model prepared (Annex B to the Decree n.89/2013, issued by the Directorate General 03 the 12/04/2013) and will be sent by certified mail to accelerazionespesa @ later than 24:00 on 15/01/2014. shpock
Also on the site of the region it is possible to formulate requests for information and clarification, which will be forwarded, through its accounts certified mail no later than January 7 at:
Court of Avellino shpock Reg no. 1/13 of 02.21.2013 - ROC No.: 23384 - VAT 02756540643 - Designed by

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