If so this means slideshownya existing coding. Logically if I kopas kodingnya and move it to the appropriate place, it should be there slideshownya store page. After I tried one of the results:
<? Php global $ virtue; ?> <? Php if (! Empty ($ virtue ['mobile_switch'])) {$ mobile_slider = $ virtue ['mobile_switch']; } Else {$ mobile_slider = ''; } If (! Empty ($ virtue ['choose_slider'])) {$ slider = $ virtue ['choose_slider']; } Else {$ slider = 'mock_flex'; } If (detect_mobile () && $ mobile_slider == 'first') {$ slider = $ virtue ['choose_mobile_slider']; if ($ slider == "flex") {get_template_part ('templates / mobile_home / mobileflex', 'slider'); } Else if ($ slider == "video") {get_template_part ('templates / mobile_home / mobilevideo', 'block'); Else {}}?> <? Php if ($ slider == "flex") {get_template_part ('templates / home / flex', kitchen paint colors 'slider'); } Else if ($ slider == "thumbs") {get_template_part ('templates / home / thumb', 'slider'); } Else if ($ slider == "latest") {get_template_part ('templates kitchen paint colors / home / latest', 'slider'); } Else if ($ slider == "carousel") {get_template_part ('templates / home / carousel', 'slider'); } Else if ($ slider == "video") {get_template_part ('templates / home / video', 'block'); } Else if ($ slider == "mock_flex") kitchen paint colors {get_template_part ('templates / home / mock', 'flex'); }}
if (! empty ($ virtue ['choose_slider'])) {
. . . slider code here. . .
I am a blogger worth 6 digit dollar (the ideals) that Anti SARA. The biggest goal is to go to heaven. One of the biggest mistakes that I do in life is not to learn about money since the young.
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