Saturday, September 21, 2013

How creative kitchen islands do you want to be? We offer several elective workshops. Listen: Lectur

Next Friday, kitchen islands May 31 slamming it. We have an even better program and the location is idyllic Dalsland Museum of Art in Upperud. Lecturer in top class, the ability to self to be creative and innovative, cultural experiences that will make you laugh out loud, culinary food from Not Quite and Dalslandsmat AND a large collection of pleasant, knowledgeable, energetic people to get to know. Moreover, you can go with our free shuttle bus from Trollhättan and Uddevalla Vanersborg. kitchen islands
First up as a speaker is John-Michael Ekeblad, designer and super entrepreneur Daytime NYC, direct from New York! John-Michael Ekeblad kitchen islands began his design career as Creative Director at IKEA and behind series 365 +. For several years he was responsible for Tupperware Global Design. Now he runs his own company Daytime NYC launched "Made of New York", the furniture made of demolition materials from Manhattan, "Rare + Fibrous," handmade furniture from tropical lianas in Guyana and "The Frozen Forest" ice cream for dogs! John-Michel kitchen islands Ekeblad has come all the way from New York to inspire us today with his vast knowledge of global design trends in new business concepts and their crazy ideas and impossible concept that he makes possible.
We have previously written on this blog about Joachim Wollnert kitchen islands and Linda Nordfors working with an art project for the development of the company. A collaboration actually began on The Event last year! Industrial Company Amal Components has thus engages in art agency Re: flection Company for ideas that challenge, develop and strengthen the company and its employees. The event to listen to their story of what happened and get a unique preview kitchen islands of what will happen! Art project has its public premiere on June 1st when Amal Components kitchen islands celebrates five years.
How creative kitchen islands do you want to be? We offer several elective workshops. Listen: Lecture by the contractor, the catalyst, finesse author and designer Anna Starr who runs Oddbirds - Odd and décor Ulricehamnsloppet. Wording: Creative painting workshop. Led by Annica Hedborg, kitchen islands artist Color & Form "Go away": Workshop: "Creating innovative products and services." Led by John-Michael Ekeblad, designer Daytime NYC Evolves: Workshop: "Art kitchen islands as a development engine." Led by Linda Nordfors, artist Re: flection kitchen islands Company and Joachim kitchen islands Wollnert, CEO Amal Components. kitchen islands
Mikael Ringgenberg, artist and innovator, today's final speaker. Mikael Ringgenberg is the artist behind the work that Utter Inn, Hotel Woodpecker and Café Koala, art projects that have become popular tourist destinations. Hotel Woodpecker was Michael's first alternative living environment, situated 13 meters up in the largest oak tree in Västerås. A few years later opened Utter-Inn kitchen islands in Lake Mälaren, the world's only underwater hotel of its kind, and after that came Café Koala, a functioning café with 5 meter tall cafe chairs! Art which is also the place to visit and sat Västerås on the map.
Panel discussion, we allow some selected kitchen islands profiles have their say on Dalsland 2020. Agneta Mårdsjö, Head of Business Development, Regional Development Secretariat, Västra Götaland, Christel Thuresson, Enterprise kitchen islands Manager Vänersborg, Dan Gunnardo, Environmental Dalsland Office, Johan Abenius, CEO Dalsland Tourist AB, John-Michael Ekeblad, kitchen islands Designer, Kerstin Söderlund, Administrator Leader kitchen islands Dalsland-Arjang and owners Café Upperud-left magazine, and Martin Carling, Councillor Dals Ed Municipality.
Improvisational theater with Improverket is the last program point and a guaranteed laugh fest. Improvisational theater is a moment of art. Nothing is pre-planned or rehearsed. Improvisational theater is short theater without a script. Listening, focus, confidence, and spontaneity are important characteristics of improskådespelare. Improvisational theater is a source of joy and creativity for both audience and actor.
Food Market kitchen islands and After Work, a perfect way to round off the day. Here you discuss the day's impressions, make new contacts and meet producers from Dalslandsmat exhibiting. Of course you can buy this product home. We offer mingle platter of local produce and there are opportunities to purchase beer and wine.
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