Monday, September 22, 2014

2014 (11) June (2) May (8) january (1) 2013 (32) December (2) November (3) October

To dye the required amount of water is usually calculated as the ratio 1:20, that is, the fabric weight is 1 kg of water is needed so 20 kg = 20 l. So, in this case, the amount of water: 20 kg x 0.570 = 11.4 kg or 11.4 liters. kitchen direct So that nothing would go too easy, on my washing machine was just washing programs to which the amount of water had options 14, 18, 24 and 37 liters. So I decided to use the 14 liter wash program. So the water: 14 l. Folder color picker, kitchen direct I found a nice turquoise color.
Folder of options as to how many per cent from what should be the color of color. The strongest color option is 4%, and the percentage drops to näytetilkuissa always on the side when going pink water color. I chose the option with half a per cent of the color. Color percentage is calculated on weight of the fabric. The color of a 0.5% x 570g = 0.005 2,85g
Colour weighed washing ball. Staining was also needed salt and soda. Soda is required for 20 g per liter of water and 60g of salt per liter of water one. Ash: 20 g / l = 14 lux to 280 g Salt 60 g / l lx = 14 840g soda and salt were weighed kippoihin. The fabric was placed mytättynä into the drum, and the color, soda, and salt kippoineen also dates to the plane of the fabric on top of jököttämään. Then the door closed and the program on top! There goes :)
2014 (11) June (2) May (8) january (1) 2013 (32) December (2) November (3) October (5) September (6) August (8) Pesukonevärjäys. When you can not decide. The new printed products can be - The column cross-rastii. Dragonfly. Koru Koru. Woven scarf. Sunglasses. Pacman. June (1) May (5) April (2) 2012 (15) September (2) June (3) February (9) january (1)

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