Monday, September 8, 2014

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Ühikaelu - lust, and a bed of roses? | Watering
In stepping outside the front door was slightly surprised. Compared to the old boarding school, the reconstructed version of a novel, and of course, beautiful and cozy. For me, when it seemed all the guests (both rooms, a kitchen where the hallways) good and beautiful. However, residents have been left out for a few months and negative aspects of what I do not know how to spot.
'Kitchen management is not the most normal. We have two fridge for 20 people. Some things do not disappear between, one thing is not going away. However, it is again positive, since I myself live in the countryside, I'm not accustomed to it that I can freely take after school. Just a personal point of view, maybe others as well. All the time jitter, if you really get to the bus, "said a senior Kristi Loit boarding school. invita
However, invita there are other opinions. "The kitchen is new and decent. invita I really like the kitchen solution. The furnishings are also normal, all is well handy. Otherwise, only the appearance of the praise, there is really handy. The only negative invita thing is that the ventilation is pretty poorly made, every slightest jutukõmin is heard, and hence it is sometimes difficult to fall asleep, "said invita a resident of the dormitory Rapla Gymnasium Johanna poison.
"The boys went to the lamp is broken," says Kristi quickly and smirks. "They could not even run half of nowhere, because it has all the architectural designs, and does anyone know where to get the bulbs can be and how much it would pay. It all specially ordered. I do not know if the thing is now repaired, but the boys hung in the ceiling for a long time only a light bulb wired, 'says Kristi said, laughing.
"These rules, which are useful to themselves, that they would be safe. We've done a very thorough meeting, which was the directress, educators, and all the residents of the dormitory. All rules are to the residents themselves would be safe and sound. Rule violation has not been done so far is all very positive. Many here have already eighteen years old. "
Dorm atmosphere seems very friendly to me and my succession invita of order meets Kristi cheerfully: "All get along very well. Here is a home to be. Although now came to the house on the internet. During the first week, the majority of the people under the corona in the lounge watching TV and playing, but when it came to the internet, there was no one left to sleep in the room. Everything is so wired. '"In the beginning we did the Folk Theater, which was pretty cool. In January we plan to go skiing in the whole group of people, "says Kristi enthusiastically.
In the meantime, invita have come to the dormitory lounge room where the interview took place, an exchange student from Mexico, Eduardo Landois. He said that he likes it very well, and everyone is friendly. While in the meantime, he was said in jest to complain about the lack of friends.
Generally, a boarding school for young first impression is very positive. Although there have been between the "trouble", it is not in breach of the dorm-friendly atmosphere. Joy was clear that all live relatively harmoniously. Frankly, had a boarding will definitely tempted for a moment to settle.
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