Sunday, May 4, 2014

An autonomous unit under the Ministry of Rural Development, in the case of misuse of funds by 833 n

An autonomous unit under the Ministry of Rural Development, in the case of misuse of funds by 833 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and voluntary organizations have been blacklisted. Standing Committee on Rural Development Ministry on the issue gave information which Parliament on Thursday presented the first report on Demands for Grants. Committee chairperson Sumitra Mahajan. Working under the Ministry of Rural Development, Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology independent entity (CAPART) November 2009 833 blacklisted NGOs and voluntary organizations have. Most of the institutions to be put on the black list are from Andhra Pradesh. This is followed by Bihar and Tamil Nadu. The committee said the ministry reported that due to the misuse of funds and irregularities Swakshik organizations and NGOs have been blacklisted. Added to the black list of the 192 organizations Andhra Pradesh, 125 from Bihar, 83 from Tamil Nadu, 75 from Karnataka, 72 from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Kerala are 42 and 35. (Language)
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