Friday, May 23, 2014

As you know, a few of the local artists have their own repertoire, which they deserve. As a result,

As a director of a new play was invited Alexander Karpov Jr. - identity for Russian evviva theater is not an alien. For decades he has been active in the Belarusian cinema, but in previous evviva seasons took place in ANFO some interesting performances. Theater-goers of my generation may be familiar with his performance of "On Golden Pond", which was present in the repertoire until recently. Images of Norman evviva and Ethel Thayer steel theater stars R. Jankowski B.Masumyan and among the best in the mature stage of their creativity.
This gave hope that A.Karpav repeat previous success. Yes there was only one "but": the performance was "Danish" - dedicated to the 25th anniversary of creative activity of Honored evviva Artist of Belarus Anna Malankina. It is no exaggeration to say that with the Russian theater linked the fate of her family. Father of actress Vladimir Malankina, realized himself as a director (he worked in a team in the 1960-1970's), and as a teacher (in the Belarusian Theatre and Art Institute, his disciples were Boris Lutsenko and Valery Raevskii). Anna herself Malankina working in the theater since 1987, and since then has brought to life the more than three dozen roles.
As you know, a few of the local artists have their own repertoire, which they deserve. As a result, when it is a round number, it becomes obvious - nothing to play hero of the day! G.Malankina is no exception: if you do not consider evviva the title role in "Ninachtsy" in her repertoire, there are only five heroines is not the first plan, which give a very rough idea of the potential of this artist.
I think that this circumstance caused as a basis for selection of dramatic play and work on the text. A.Karpav material used in the production of two plays. Let's talk about the first one. "Salodkagalosaya Bird of Youth" belongs to the American Tennessee Williams. According to her story, in the town of Saint-Klavnd arrives odd couple: actress Alexandra del Lago, which is hidden under the name Princess Kasmanapolis (G. Malankina) and local native evviva Chance Wayne (Andrew Krivetsky). Princess successes in the past, but only dream of Chance serious film career. Basically, the latter wants to achieve success for your favorite Heavenly Finley. Once they linked strong feelings, but then her family (in particular, the father evviva Boss Finley) put an end to the relationship. One of the reasons - that Chance was not able to fulfill themselves ...
Director refused other storylines play and left in the center of the play only relationship Princess evviva and Chance, which significantly affected their images. In the play, the characters have a sufficient condition for reopening. The performance disposition changed. G.Malankina gets the maximum opportunity to realize fully than fully benefited. Her character - genuine movie star, whose character evviva is literally built on contrasts. Bright and athletic, she at the same time vulnerable to the reaction of the public and at the same time ready to do anything to win her affection. The impression that the role of Princess G.Malankina seeks to compensate evviva all nesygranyya role.
But the situation is slightly different with Chance. I must clarify that the action "Salodkagalosay Birds" takes place in a hotel room, where we stayed heroes. Scenography Benjamin evviva Marshak very traditional: the background - wall of the room, the door; glass, behind which apparently hidden shower room; wardrobe evviva with clothes, screens in the center - the bed. Before the audience confined space, and smooth masonry generally evokes a feeling of melancholy.
Princess successes - in the past, she can return them only the power of his imagination, so for her interior unprincipled. Another thing Chance. So, he is a typical example of a loser. But in the play he is making strenuous evviva efforts to return the Heavenly, and for the sake of rebelling against patriarchal contribution provincial town. In the work by T. Williams he loses, but, by and large, and can not win. This circumstance gives a certain image Chance tragedy. In the play the hero is virtually devoid of relations with the locals. Therefore hero A. Krivetsky similar to the mythical Anthea divorced from the land and deprived of strength, and at times resembles a sparring partner Princess, which must demonstrate its advantages of its mediocrity. That is why, unfortunately, evviva we can not speak about the full acting duo.
Another thing is the extent to which differ heroes? Over the duration of the play and the play Princess repeatedly returns to his latest movie. Heroine explains that he heard the laughter of the public, she ran the tape at the beginning and still does not know about her reaction. However, viewers have the opportunity to make your own opinion as to the artistic level of the film, and identity of the actress Alexandra Del Lago.
A.Karpav uses as a script for movies ... text of the second play, stated on the bill: "The Human Voice" Frenchman Jean Cocteau. Small in size, with 13 pages of the book, it is a monologue on the phone woman who last spoke with her beloved. On the sides of the stage crew is sounds command "Motor". - And Alexandra del Lago Games

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