Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Besides these are classics, finds in any store, in any train or bus station and I can not say that

Categories Art and Artists of street artists Homeland world, not separate France and the French France France, not just Paris life from Albania francezes latest news from Paris Literary Paris France, not always beautiful restaurant vintage kitchen in Paris Albania and the World
France is a sandwich in half the cattle, it features long bread in the armpit of French beret character that appears in the head at an angle of an American film that deals with the Second World War in France, painted with butter or mayonnaise, and then: soft cheese, jambon [zhambon] Prosciutto Ham in English or in Italian camembert [kamomber], a very famous cheese that comes from the north of France and of course it has a characteristic vintage kitchen odor crudité [krudite] - vegetables, salad, carrots , tomatoes etc. according dyqanitt chicken meat already not - salad and chicken. with tuna (tin), egg mayonnaise and more
Besides these are classics, finds in any store, in any train or bus station and I can not say that the nutritional value other than for a very hungry stomach! Nor can speak or taste gastronomic value and cash panjoura presentation of what is known worldwide as the French Kitchen etc etc besides frameworks that are part of the daily here.
This was the entry to say that some time ago I ate better sanduçin my short life in France. Composition: black bread with raisins, butter inside with cheese, pears and salad. Having said that, can not deserving of superlatives, I agree the combination of everything except give a very good taste between the sweetness, and the kripurës nuts and bread accompanying it all and just was not the main element, as happens often or always. Roquefort cheese was [Roquefort] is a cheese with Microbe, smelling and without eksportuesham (my attempt to finally send in Italy with a man with jet failed). For those who do not know, is the famous cheese with mold and requires falling in love with the first viewing enjoyment, otherwise classified as pangrënsham. For those who like it really very good.
I did not want to talk about cheese, vintage kitchen I will try another time, but for the fact that an interesting place to eat in Paris quality stuff, are luxury shops called Grand Magasin. To keep customers in their stores gjigade, these firms also propose to eat foods of good quality or even very good.
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