Although the topics I write about have nothing to do with this, I could not take it anymore and I had to sit down and write you a delightful recipe! When I have something much like it, then you just have to announce to everyone.
Buy 1 kg eggplant, a little oil the baking medallion cabinets sheet and place in preheated (at 200C) oven to bake until tender inside. I usually forget to warm up the oven and turn it on only when I put the eggplant, so there is all the same. Can anyway
In health food stores medallion cabinets you buy a jar of sesame tahini paste. In a deeper bowl put 1/3 cup tahini paste, 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon chopped garlic, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper that later you can add to taste.
If kneading hands to all united not turn out very well. But if ispasirate that whisk to, say, mayonnaise (although the menu is more suited for fruit and making Sheikh) which has the knife down, then it will turn out just right Mutabal. medallion cabinets When finished pasta, sprinkle the spice they call cumin, kimin or Kamun (ground medallion cabinets cumin, which is also bought in health food stores). And pasta is ready to eat.
ps Who loves spicy food, in all of these ingredients and kneaded 2-3 small chili peppers, because the right recipe goes this ingredient. And who wants that little clumps paste, can add sour milk or yogurt. Refrigerate be held for 3 days.
Kitchen January 11, 2012 at 17:12 Good day! I would be happy to join us on this site. It is a site of international cuisine-it is our intention that the more people get to know the culinary habits of different countries. So far, most Italians were enrolled and little-nasih- (but working on it to participate as many people from other countries around the world), and given that they love good food, I think our kitchen had a lot of success, so I encourage you to write the occasional recipe (what to show them how little is delicious and our kitchen!). Prescriptions that you write, you can change at any time and automatically, writing prescriptions, advertise your own blog and everything that you write in it and want to share with users of our site. For all the details you are interested, you can write to (or directly to this e-mail address) and we will be glad to answer.
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